Serhii Marchenko



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My projects

Here you can find most of my projects in chronological order from newest to oldest
Some of them were made as a part of my college program of by following a tutorial,
And some were created to practice my skills and test some new software.

*This page is up to date as for Dec 2021

Shape Buster (C++, Unity)


2D project with network elements. Made in a team with Ahmet Polat and Sam Switzer.
The purpose of this 1v1 game is to draw better circle that your opponent.
Implemented real-time drawing display for both players (in progress), score system, UI, Color change for line and more.

My responsibilities:

Note: this project is still in development and attached images are prototypes!

GitHub repositorie

UDP chat (C++)


Simple console chat with server and basic user profiles
Started as a college project, but brought way beyond requirements, this project took a lot of my time to investigate UDP workflow for both: server and clients.
It includes simple user profiles with names and colors that are displayed for everyone in the lobby.

GitHub repositorie

Set of tutorials (C#, Unity)

Sorry! No screenshot available here(


Followed tutorial by Ray Wenderlich
Completed 3 games by following the book:

Bobblehead Wars
Robot Rampage
Super SoyBoy

Space shooter (C++, SDL)

Sorry! No screenshot available here(


Space shooter made with C++ and SDL as a part of my college course
I added some features along with basic gameplay to make it more 'advanced' comparing to what was required by course.

SDL Pong game (C++, SDL)


My first SDL game
I made it as a part of college Lab and then improved it with features like increasing difficulty
It also has basic AI that tries to predict ball position and moves in that direction
Score and some basic info are outputted to console, nothing special here)

GitHub repositorie

Treeeee game (C++, console)


Small C++ console game, I made to practice arrays
Plant treeeee, wait for a few days, if it survives you can cut it and get profit!
The bigger your treeeee the bigger is chance that it will die(
Keep balance so you can earn money to plant new treeeees but keep them safe!

GitHub repositorie

4K Wallpaper (Blender)


Simple wallpaper made on blender. Also available in dark-black and white colors.

Jenga! (Unity)

All images


Simple copy of Jenga game. It has basic UI that allows you to start and finish game.
Still need some polishing before playable state. But this game was a big achievement for me at the time I made it
There are also some other objects on the table that can fall as you destroy your tower.

Download for Android
GitHub repositorie

Empire Grinder (MIT App inventor)

All images


Empire Grinder was my first game. I made it even before learning real programming.
This game is inspired by "Idle" game genre, where you spend resources to increase your overtime income.
It was created in "MitApp Inventor", this tool isn't powerful enough to crate normal game, but it's faster way of creating templates like this one.
The music in this project is made by S&T. I've made volume controls, language settings and some other features.

Download for Android

I'm really impressed that you read till the end!
I have much more projects that I just consider not interesting enough to be placed here _/(0_0)\_