Serhii Marchenko

Hi! My name is Serhii Marchenko! I'm a programming student in St. Lawrence College.
On this website you can find my information about my Education, Projects,
and different ways to Contact Me

About me:

I'm a Junior Game Programmer, focused on creating scripts and AI for 3D worlds. And right now I'm looking for a job in this field!
My experience includes multiple small projects, some of them I made as a part of my college degree, others I created in order to improve my skills.
I'm experienced with C++, C#, Python and JS languages and have applied them on practice. Proficient in software used in industry: Unity, Blender, Photoshop, code editors, debugging tools, communication apps and more.
I'm a Fast Learner with good Problem Solving skill and a set of Soft Skills: Teamwork, Communication, Leadership and Stress Resistance.

Currently I'm located in Cornwall, ON, Canada
and I'm ready to move to a new city to live and work there
as soon as I finish my college education as a Game Programmer

You can learn more about my education on the Skills page.
